Master Sculptor




All celebrated sculptors have their own distinctive style -- each sculptural piece providing a unique view into the artist's soul.

As you approach one of Paula Slater's Asian inspired Limited Edition bronzes you are immediately filled with the sense of East gracefully blending with West.  Linger if you will, peering into the expressive eyes of each bronze.  The profound influence of Eastern spiritual philosophy and symbolism is clearly felt in this acclaimed Western sculptor's sensitive work.  These sculptures exude affirmations of inner peace, connectedness, and the joy of being in the moment (for photos click  Asian Bronze Gallery). 

With her newest Royal Faerie Limited Edition bronze series, Slater combines a masterful command of the human form with whimsical drama, a fluid sense of motion and wonderful expression.   When asked what was the inspiration for her graceful and unique Royal Faerie series, Slater replied, "I asked the Universe for a sculptural concept that would bring me great feelings of joy during the sculptural process and would also bring into the world a sculptural art that lifts the spirit, heart and imagination."  Slater has an enormous talent and she is quickly reaching a wide and  influential audience with her exciting and original new sculptural work.  Slater's stunning museum-quality Royal Faerie bronzes have already been featured in several national magazines.

Slater believes in the old-world ideal of  'nothing rushed or left undone' as she gives the time needed to bring each exquisite detail to life. This generous giving of time is rare in the art world today, setting her sumptuous sculptures apart and elevating the demand for her fine art ever higher.

Paula was commissioned to sculpt highly detailed models for the "Lost in Space" movie which premiered in April of 1998.  And in 1999 she received a major commission from the Atlantis Luxury Hotel and Casino in the Bahamas. Her exquisitely detailed sea life relief sculptures were cast as massive 20 foot tall, 1 foot thick bronze doors for the entrance to The Atlantis.

In 2000 Desert Dreams Construction  in Scottsdale, Arizona, commissioned Slater to sculpt two life size bronzes with a theme based on the name of  the mansion being built, 'Life is a Journey'.  In October 2001 Paula and her husband, Chris Slater owner of Master Art Pedestals, installed the 'Life is a Journey' bronze sculptures in Fountain Hills, Arizona.  The sculptures of  a grandfather watching as a little bird takes flight from his grandson's fingertips was so lifelike that many of the guests at the grand opening celebration commented that they kept thinking the bronze figures were real.

Among other portraits she has recently completed, Slater has had the honor of sculpting a life size bust of the late Senator Alan Cranston.   Once molded and cast in bronze, the Alan Cranston Bust will be prominently displayed in  the  State Capitol of California, Sacramento.

In 2003, Slater was commissioned to sculpt the life size portrait of George Bergeron, Chairman of Multiple Sclerosis Society in Windsor, Canada.  Mr. Bergeron was an inspiration to many and a great proponent of staying mobile and active.  Slater sculpted the full figure portrait of George seated on a motorized scooter.  The finished bronze will be installed June of 2004 in the George Bergeron Healing Park now being created in Windsor, Canada.  (For in-progress photos click Works in Progress).

Slater also sculpted an 8 foot high enlargement of her "Faeries in Waiting" bronze which was installed at Onessimo Fine Arts in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

Slater was commissioned to sculpt two life size full figure portrait bronzes of a mother and her adorable little two year old child for installation in a private garden in North Carolina.

Ms. Slater recently completed a life size portrait bust of Congressman Bill Thomas (for photos click portrait sculpture) which was just installed in the new William B. Thomas Airport Terminal in Bakersfield, CA. 

Additional sculptural commissions recently awarded to Paula include the life size full-figure portrait sculpture of philanthropist and WWII Air Force Pilot Captain, Link Piazzo.  The bronze portrait is presently being cast and will be installed in the Humane Society Museum being built in Reno, Nevada.   She was also commissioned to sculpt a life size portrait bust of Albert Hale Atwood, co-founder and Executive Vice President of the Southern California Contractors Association.

Paula just completed a life size full figure Risen Christ with an overall height of 6'3".  The finished bronze entitled "Come Unto Me" will be installed at the entrance of the beautiful Memorial Gardens of a 12,000 member church in Florida.   The clay sculpture has been molded and is presently being cast in bronze.

Next, Ms. Slater will be sculpting a life size full-figure sculpture of a miner for a monument to honor the 22 men who died in a tragic Michigan mine explosion.  The bronze sculpture will be mounted on a large four foot high granite base in a park being created for the memorial. 

Paula Slater majored in fine art at California State University Fullerton, receiving a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She earned a Master of Arts Degree from John F. Kennedy University.     Ms. Slater is a member of the National Sculpture Society, The National Museum of Women in the Arts, and The International Sculpture Center.

"10,000 flowers in Spring,
the moon in Autumn,
a cool breeze in Summer,
snow in Winter.
If your mind isn't clouded
by unnecessary things,
this is the best season
of your life." --- Wu-Me


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