Royal Faerie Bronze Series
Exceptional Detail, Stunning Patinas
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The History of Royal Faeries "When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of faeries...." Sir James Mathew Barrie There are many different theories about the origin of Faeries. Many believe that they sprang from the dreams of children. Still others claim that Faeries or Devas are the caretakers of the natural world. Medieval philosophers postulated that a Faerie or elemental was a vortex of intelligent energy in constant motion. This universal energy took on the form of a "light body," or a glowing "etheric body" of the archetypal pattern for each plant. Super sensitive children, and a few adults, profess they can see and hear Faeries, Devas, Tree Spirits, and elementals of the plant kingdom. Even before Saxon, Edwardian and Medieval times sightings of Faeries were being reported around the globe. It seems for generations Faeries flitted about with little or no direction. In time certain Faeries displayed extraordinary skill in assisting the development of the natural realm. By virtue of this talent they became the teachers of the other Fey Folk and then some became scholars, and just a few were elevated to Royalty. This hierarchal organization of the Faerie World happened simultaneously in all different regions of our planet. Faerie Kingdoms developed across Europe, in the jungles of Africa and the Brazilian Rain Forest, Imperial Monarchies were formed beyond the great Wall of China and in the New World. Couplings were arranged between the Royal offspring of these differing regions--not for the purpose of keeping the peace or to gain territory or power, as in the human world--but so that information and insight could be shared. These Royal Faeries continued to evolve and began to glow just a little brighter and the designs of their wings became more elaborate and brilliantly colored. If you are lucky enough to spot a Royal Faerie you will note that it is leaner and taller in size than the average little pastel 'working faerie' and quite a bit larger than tiny pixies and diminutive sprites. However, like their smaller nature spirit companions, the vibratory rate of Royal Faeries is much more rapid than that of our slow physical world. Like the blurred wings of a hummingbird, they are often more sensed than seen, an enchanting bit of chimera in time. They intersect our dimension for a magical instant and then vanish. But in that brief moment they touch us all. Respected author Andrew Lang wrote, "Of all the minor creatures of mythology, Faeries are the most beautiful, the most numerous, the most memorable." If you have the good fortune of being invited into their world you will be changed forever. The search for Royal Faeries is not for the faint of heart. These elegant beings hold court in the deepest recesses of nature. (It was once believed that Royal Faeries lived forever, however several grand Faerie funerals have been spotted--thus experts now believe that Royals live several hundred years before they fade into the glen and the meadows they so cherish.) Royal Faeries love, laugh, and celebrate life. They reproduce in natural splendor on the first day of Spring as the flowers bloom and the butterflies are released from their chrysalis. Each "Heir to the Thrown" is taught well because throughout history their lineage has been devoted to weaving an abundance of blossoming gardens on Earth. Even though these Royals are richly regal in appearance they remain humble servants of the nature kingdoms from which they sprang. Their wish for humankind is that we have compassion for all life forms on this beautiful blue-green planet and that we learn to love others as we wish to be loved. Paula B. Slater, M.A., June 2002
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2003 Paula Slater All Rights